September 13, 2024

Crayola #2 Pencils: RIP

 I have been a HUGE fan of Crayola's # 2 pencils since I first came across them at Dollar Tree several years ago.  They last longer than the former best pencil out there (which has really become one of my least favorite pencils because of the quality & price!).  I looked at ordering more after running out at the end of last year, but did not see them.  After looking at several places, I decided to write Crayola and see what was going on.  They said they actually discontinued them fall of 2023!  AHHH!!!!!!  Heart broken! 

August 23, 2024


"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again,

 and expecting different results."

Though attributed to Einstein, there is no proof he actually said this.

Once again I bought a Cra-Z-Art product hoping it might possibly be a better art supply than it had been in the past.  I really am a positive/glass half full guy, but I may need to give up on Cra-Z-Art.  

I recently purchased their scented crayons hoping that the addition of scent might change the formulation of the crayon enough that it would be a decent product.  I do have to admit they smell great.  However, the same issue persists.  Cra-Z-Art colors extremely patchy.  The colors build up upon themselves that create uneven color.  They are also difficult to blend.  I like to use crayons as a beginning blending medium, but Cra-Z-art cannot be used for such things.  I'm sad about it.  I want it to be a good product.  Their price point is so much better for my students.  I just can't recommend them though.  

August 22, 2024

Modifying A Poster From Dollar Tree

 I was looking for a new encouraging/motivational poster at Dollar Tree recently when I came across a dinosaur poster.  I love dinosaurs, but don't usually put up such things in my room. I loved it though, and thought I could modify it to be more "art" related.

 For a $1.25 and a little bit of work...totally worth it! 

August 15, 2024

2024-2025 School Year!

Welcome to a new school year!  Not a lot has changed in my room. 
 I always tweak little things here and there. 

I've been in this classroom for over 20 years, and feel very blessed to have this space.  


Please feel free to ask any questions you might have as you look through
 my pictures (or any post on my blog).  

I have a nice big reading area.  I start every kindergarten class with a story.  I love children's books, and feel it is important for children to have people read to them.  I believe it truly helps to ignite creativity. 

August 01, 2024

Mural in Mexico

This summer my family (all five of us) went to Mexico to work in an orphanage for a week.  My main "job" was to paint a mural. Having seen pictures of grounds/facilities, I knew it was mostly white & grey. I'm a huge believer in art being transformative visually & emotionally.   I had asked prior to going if that was something they would like.  They said yes, but wanted some sketches to select from.  One of which was done in the style of Mexican embroidery.  This is the one they wanted.  I was fine with it because the design was similar to Pennsylvania Dutch Hex Signs (my mom's side is from a Pennsylvania Dutch background).  I brought in few teenagers each day to help me with painting of the mural.  

Our first day I took about four hours to draw out the mural.  The wall is kind of stucco "ish", and wasn't the easiest to draw upon.  

On the second day, I had three high school students from the Texas team helping me paint.  We focused on the blues & greens.  It was a real "learning" day for me.  The surface was so bumpy, and had to figure out what way of painting worked best.  

On the third day three of the youth from our church helped me start adding in the other colors. I also started seeing some "holes" in the design that needed "MORE".  I added more leaves, butterflies, hearts, and flowers to fill out the design more.  I worked on that and doing some larger blended flowers.  My amazing crew filled in with solid color.  

On the last day, my daughter (blue shirt) & her best friend helped me out on the last day.  One of the wall texture "issues" was pitting in the paint. Little white "holes" that would appear after the paint started to dry.  So the girls helped me for about an hour, and then I spent the next 7 1/2 blending colors, adding details, adding highlights...and other assorted things.  

April 16, 2024

My Odd Anniversary: Nashville Tornado 1998

Your first year of teaching is never "easy".  People have all kinds of stories from their beginnings in education.  Some funny, some embarrassing, and some are just plain cringey.  

My first year of teaching ended in disaster.  This is not an exaggeration.  There literally was a natural disaster.  A tornado(s) went right through Nashville.  Growing up in Appalachia in the middle of the forest, I had no idea a tornado could hit a city.  It can. It did.  I had left 15 min. before it hit, and had been in my classroom till six at night the whole week until the day of the tornado.  Everyone thought I was still in there, and had the police dogs search my portable to see if I was still in there underneath the debris.  I finished the year on a cart and working from the stage of the cafeteria. I learned a lot about myself & what a wonderful community can do in the face of adversity.   


April 15, 2024

Fish Tanks/Perspective

 I've been talking about overlapping and showing "space" in your work with my second graders.  We created fish tanks that had a defined corner to create a bottom, side, and back to the tank.  I was not looking for mastery as this is a new concept to them.  I was just introducing the idea. We used watercolor pencils to finish the work.  


April 08, 2024


You will need to check with your district if it will count for your PD hours.  I will provide a certificate that says you completed 18 hrs of PD. 


What are you creating?

The kids seem to LOVE dino nuggies!  Don't know what they are? They make chicken nuggets in the shape of dinosaurs.'s a thing!! ha ha  There are shirts, earrings, pushies, pillows...a whole dino nuggie industry!  I've wanted to make my own pushies/pillows, but it took awhile to find a fabric I thought would work(Dollar Tree...imagine that!?!).  I made a pattern to the size of the fabric, cut them out, sewed them together, and stuffed them. It went relatively quick, and I had a lot of fun doing it!  A friend saw my post on facebook, and asked if I could make her class (she teaches EE/Special Ed) one.  They like to hold something during share time.  I gladly gave her one of the dino nuggies!  Happy to know it will be loved & used in a school setting!  

What are you creating?

April 02, 2024

Dandelion Dup

Colors of Kindness has two dups for Dandelion.
The center is the original Dandelion. Top is regular Yellow from a "normal" box of 24.  To the right is Banana Mania. At the bottom is Hello Sunshine. Though I would love Dandelion to return, the two from Colors of Kindness are pretty good.